When some people think about tooth decay, they immediately associate it with people who smoke and chew tobacco. In reality, sugar is the culprit. The following are tips to prevent tooth decay:
Use non-sugar sweeteners
Saccharine, sorbitol and aspartame are great substitutes because they don’t produce tooth decay. The next time you’re tempted to add sugar to your coffee or tea, try to replacing sugar with non-sugar sweeteners.
Eat healthy sweets
If you love eating sweets, eat snacks that have the tooth-friendly logo. These mouthwatering sweets contain non-sugar sweeteners. If you have young children (or grand-children) this should be avoided because it can cause some GIT disturbance.
Avoid Drinking Soda
Carbonated drinks like soda are so acidic that it can help speed up the process of tooth decay. There are many soda substitutes that you can drink. For example, there are many healthy flavored spritzers that you can drink instead of drinking soda. Another great substitute is to drink fruit juice. Just make sure you choose healthy brands that are low on sugar.
Eat fiber rich natural foods
Examples of foods rich in fiber are vegetables. Fresh vegetables are not only healthy for your body; it can also help prevent tooth decay. Vegetables have what is known as a ‘mechanical cleaning action’ that removes bacteria from the tooth surface.
Chew sugar-free gum
Chewing sugar-free gum is great for stimulating saliva production.
Well, there you have it; five tips that can help you prevent tooth decay.